Tripp's Blog
6 Vital Small Group Lesson Prep Questions
What an incredible privilege and responsibility to teach the life-changing truths of Scripture. To offer the best we have as a teacher and avoid the temptation to simply regurgitate (read) curriculum, let’s consider these six important questions we need to answer when preparing to teach: 1) What is the BIBLICAL PRINCIPLE? (Keyword: Preparation) Everything we
Accountability: A Key to Success
There are many abilities that become a big deal in college. For instance… – Affordability: the reason you eat fish taco’s from a gas station. – Flexibility: learning the art of turning a 15-minute break into a “power nap.” – Wearability: judgement call on getting one more use out of an outfit before you HAVE
Identity Crisis
So many college students, their first 30 days on campus, experience a significant crisis… an identity crisis. With so many things changing, so many new influences, so many new people to compare yourself to and impress, it’s sometimes easy to fall into the trap of questioning your value and purpose. Let’s remind ourselves of some
The Truth
Last week we talked about the identity crisis that so many college students face their first 30 days on campus. Today we want to talk about another crisis…a crisis of faith. This crisis is rooted in the exact same thing a crisis of identity is – believing lies when life gets tough or your conditions
One of the biggest things I hear students say they look forward to in college is FREEDOM! (No more bedtime, no more curfew, no more opinions about what they wear, etc.) BTW, Most college students quickly learn that with great freedom, comes great responsibility. But treated responsibly, freedom can be a wonderful thing! Unfortunately, many
Big God, Big Faith!
As excited as you may be about then new college experience, there are probably some things you are missing about home right now. (home-cooked food, laundry, a private bathroom, etc.) One thing that many college students don’t realize they would miss about home is the security of it. As tough as high school may have
Welcome to College!
Welcome to college! This is a big.. a HUGE… season in your life. Whether you are living at home or you moved off to college, you are discovering a new freedom, making new friends, having new experiences that are probably radically different than what was “normal” just a few months ago. The college experience is
Not Alone (Parenting is tough…)
Parenting is tough… but you don’t have to do it alone. There is a jar that sits in my office that is filled with ping-pong balls, 168 to be exact. That is the number of hours in a week. 165 of the balls are white and 3 are orange. The white balls represent the average
Chasing Greatness (5 ways to turn season goals into long-term success)
I was recently asked to challenge the Lanier High Football Team before they set individual & team goals for their season. The challenge was to approach season goals in a way that would pay dividends far beyond the game. Here are a few suggestions… Great coaches, educators, and team leaders realize the value of leading
What drives you? (Identifying your personal leadership philosophy.)
Do you have a personal leadership philosophy? You may not have it written down, but we all have certain core beliefs and attitudes that drive our behavior. It is a good idea for any leader to identify these core beliefs and write them down as a personal leadership philosophy. A written leadership philosophy not only
- Christian Living (30)
- Devotionals (19)
- First 30 College Devotional (10)
- Leadership (9)
- Ministry (6)
- Motivational (3)
- Parenting (9)
- Teen Culture (4)
- Uncategorized (4)